Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The roboGbots

are on their way to

The FLL World Invitational Open


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: NYC FLL Tournament Winniers...

NYC FIRST LEGO League Regional Tournament


1st Place Champions Award


to all the other

Special Shout Out to Our brother team!

RoboTron - RoboMindTech

2nd Place Robot Design - Programming


Monday, March 19, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Consumer Fresh Milk Thermometer...

Consumer Fresh Milk Thermometer Device

This is a NXT prototype of our Consumer Fresh Milk Thermometer that measures the surface temperature of a carton or container. If the temperature is above 41 degrees (FDA maximum temperature for refrigerating milk) the consumer is given a warning sound & display with the temperature. If the temperature reads between 37 and 41 degrees, the temperature is displayed with a range of how long the milk will be fresh after the Sell By Date. If the temperature reads between 32 and 36 degrees, the temperature is displayed along with a range of how long the milk will be fresh after the Sell By Date. This is based on experiments we did refrigerating milk at different temperatures. (See the NXT-G program below.) The device would be compact, about the size of cell phone such as a Smartphone.

This was one of our innovations for our Research Project.


Monday, March 12, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Queens Qualifier....

At the 2012 FIRST LEGO League Queens Qualifier the RoboGbots won the Champions Award 3rd place. When the awards were being handed out, our team was very nervous. We watched until there were only three awards left - The Champions Awards. They announced our team as winners of 3rd place; we were so exited! We are really looking forward to competing at the NYC FIRST Finals at the Javits Center in Manhattan. 

Hope to see you there!

- A.C.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: FLL Global Innovation Award...

We entered the FLL Global Innovation Award.

Read about our team and our Research Project - Innovation...

roboGbots - Consumer Fresh Milk Thermometer

Also, read about all the other international teams and their projects!


Monday, February 27, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Got Milk? Keep It Fresh Tips...

Milk will last longer if you follow these tips:

     1. Buy milk from from stores "closed refrigerators."

     2. Store milk at a refrigerator temperature below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

     3. Store milk in the back of refrigerator where it is coldest.

     4. Pour out, in a pitcher or drinking container, only the amount you plan to use and immediately put the milk carton back in the refrigerator.


Monday, January 23, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: The Brooklyn Practice Tournament...

On Sat. Dec. 10, 2011 we went to a practice tournament at PolyTechnic institute of NYU, Brooklyn, NY. When we arrived, due to the fact that they were running late we helped the committee set up the fields for the Robotic Performance. At this practice we only did the performance part of the competition, since we weren’t finished with the technical and research. We were supposed to run our robot four times, but due lack of time, we only went three times. During this great experience we learned some things and how to improve our robot. At the end of the day we were happy with our highest score 109.

- C.C.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Field Trip to The Entrepreneur's Space...

      Our team went on a field trip to The Entrepreneur’s Space, a commercial kitchen, in Brooklyn to see what safety measures are taken in handling their food and utensils.  The kitchen was divided into three sections: kitchen A, B, and C.  Kitchen A is for making pasta meals and other dishes. It consists of a grill and six burners. Kitchen B and C were the baking areas; here you can find a set of mixers and a sheeter. Sheeter is a type of machine that can make dough very thin by pressing it together between twp plates.  After having a tour of the kitchen we went to another part of the kitchen where the chefs wash their hands and the dishes are cleaned. Here we were told to never towel dry anything because this can spread bacteria, instead you should leave the dishes and utensils out to air dry.

      Since our research focuses on milk and its proper storage, our team asked about how the milk was stored. We were told that the milk is kept in a closed refrigeration system at 38 degrees Fahrenheit. We were curious to know how the chef could tell before using the milk, if the milk was spoiled.  The chef responded by saying they always check the expiration date and by tasting it.

      While at the kitchen we also received a lesson about bar-code scanning.  We learned that bar-codes are used to help machines scan a product to find out information about that product.  There are two different types of bar-codes.  One type of bar coding is linear reading printed bars of different widths.  The other type of bar-code is the QR this is the square bar-code.

      This was a very beneficial trip from the standpoint of food safety and proper milk storage.

- J.B.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Our Team Prepares for the Tournament...

The roboGbots are getting ready for the NYC FIRST LEGO League tournaments. At our practices we do a lot of things.  We build, and program robots for the Robot Game Performance. We also build attachments for the robots to help complete missions on field mat. We always try to find out ways to make our robot ant attachments better. Then we time ourselves; we only have two and a half minutes to complete as many missions possible.  If the mission doesn’t work or if we fail, we fix the program, attachment, or robot.
We are also working on a Research Project about food safety; our topic is milk.  Sometimes we go on field trips and go shopping for materials for out project. 


Sunday, January 8, 2012

FLL - Food Factor: Milk Temperature

      Milk; in particular, cow’s milk is a large part of most American’s diet. Since it has become a staple in our diet, you the consumer, should know how to store it for the safest and most enjoyable consumption. 

      We (roboGbots) recommend that milk should be stored at a temperature of 39 degrees Fahrenheit.  NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene states that “Milk shall be stored at a temperature below [45] 41 degrees Fahrenheit, may not be kept beyond its expiration date, and may not be dispensed or served [by] to children except under adequate supervision.” According to the USDA, a “Danger Zone” is created when air around milk is between 41 degrees Fahrenheit and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Under these warmer conditions, harmful bacteria can grow and reproduce in the milk. A good rule of thumb is to keep the air temperature two or more degrees lower than the recommended internal temperature to reduce the chance of bacterial contamination. For example, the internal temperature of non-frozen dairy products should be 41 degrees Fahrenheit, so the air temperature surrounding these products should be at least 39 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

      As where to store milk, a good place would be on a shelf in the back of a refrigerator because the colder air circulates there. It will generally take longer for outside air to reach and subsequently increase the air temperature around the milk. 

      You may think, if refrigerating milk is good then is freezing better?
The answer is not necessarily, because refrigeration only slows down the growth of bacteria; it does not kill the bacteria. Freezing changes the state of the milk and after it defrosts, milk may or may not retain its original properties. According to the Diary Council of California, “it (milk) can be frozen and thawed in the refrigerator or in cold water and is safe for consumption. However, the flavor of the milk is affected, so it is generally not recommended. The milk protein becomes destabilized and you may see changes in the "texture" of the milk. However, it is still safe and wholesome." 

       Milk generally spoils a week from store expiration date (expiration is about two weeks from cow to you). Different types of milk: whole, skim, 1%, and 2% may exhibit different properties, which may impact the rate of spoilage. 

      We (roboGbots) have been examining and studying these specimens.

Keep reading our blog for our results! 

- P.W.